The Happiness Hero

The Happiness Hero is a Workplace Wellbeing program aimed at supporting the health and wellbeing of our Squad employees.

We all experience difficult times and hardship throughout our lives. How we manage these challenges and continue to show up each day plays a big part in our overall health and wellbeing.

Let us help you achieve optimal health and wellbeing by working with you to thrive.

The Happiness Hero program can help you create life-long strategies and techniques to manage stress, reduce anxiety, and improve your overall wellbeing and resilience.

This program aims to:

- Explore what might be contributing to your stress or anxieties
- Help you gain clarity on your thoughts and feelings
- Provide advice and resources
- Help you create goals and support you in achieving them

As part of this program, we have partnered with Acacia EAP, who are experienced in providing a range of professional and fully confidential counselling services for both personal and work-related issues. All information shared with Squad and Acacia EAP, or any other resource is strictly confidential and will not be divulged to your employer/host employer.

Get Assistance Today

Squad are committed to maintaining the accuracy, confidentiality, and security of your personal identifiable information. Squad takes active steps to protect personal information from misuse, interference, loss, and unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.  Personal information obtained will not be disclosed to a third party, this includes but is not limited to, your host employer, Workforce Development Coordinator, and EAP Services, unless authorised by the individual. For further information on privacy and information handling, please refer to the Privacy Policy. 

Kylie Grove is the Health & Wellbeing partner for our Happiness Hero Initiative. Her passion is to help others achieve and maintain good mental health.

The Squad Health and Wellbeing Initiative helped me get back on track after a few big life events occurred that rattled me a little more than expected. Through this program, I was able to access counseling, that without the help of Squad, I would not have prioritised due to the financial burden of ongoing treatment. If I had not been able to access the program, Iā€™m not sure I would have been able to maintain my full-time job and manage my work effectively. 
